• • A wonderful biography has been written by Louise Berliner, “Texas Guinan – Queen of the Night Clubs” [University of Texas Press, 1993].
• • The Texas Guinan Blog is here: TexasGuinan.blogspot.com
• • LindaAnn Loschiavo is working on a new bio, in the style of a graphic novel, for a Texas publisher. The working title is “From Waco to Washington Square: How a Texas gal became Queen of the Night Clubs.”
• • Here's a fascinating article on speakeasy queen Texas Guinan written by syndicated columnist Lenore Skenazy — New York's Night Club Queen Was as Big as Texas
• • Here's an interview with Mae-maven and Texas Guinan expert LindaAnn Loschiavo — A Conversation with NYC Playwright LindaAnn Loschiavo
As Texas Guinan would say: "I like noise, rhinestone heels, customers, plenty of attention and red velvet bathing suits."